Sunday, June 12, 2011

Christiane Badgley's new work on Oil in Ghana

The filmmaker Christiane Badgley has done significant work on oil in Africa. Here is a series of articles and clips from her latest work in Ghana.

The Pulitzer Center has run a series of articles and short film clips.

The Center for Pulbic Integrity has published some of her work here as well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Silent Screams: Rights of the Child

The folks at Australian Photojournalist have recently published "Silent Screams: Rights of the Child," a collection of photo stories from 20 photojournalists that chronicle some of the most pressing and disturbing issues facing children all over the globe. From sex trafficking, child soldiers and child labor to the impact on childhood development from environmental disasters such as Chernobyl, Agent Orange and the extraction and production of oil, the editors have created an engaging, informative and haunting book.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Black Tide" by Robert Goethals

Please check out this article by Robert Goethals on the Forward Thinking Museum's blogsite about the oil crisis in the Niger Delta.

Thank you Robert!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Work By Gideon Mendel

Recently published in the Guardian UK's Weekend Magazine, photographer Gideon Mendel's work "When the Floods Came" chronicles the devastation in Pakistan following the July flood. From Gideon: "'When the Floods Came' is the new chapter of my long-term project on climate change and flooding. Six weeks after the floods first hit Pakistan I traveled with the charity ActionAid in the Sindh province. At a point when those floods had long left the pages of the world’s media I found myself in a devastated landscape where flood waters were still rising and communities were trying to save themselves from the deluge. Never in recorded history has a flood of such magnitude swept through Pakistan. More than 20 million people have been affected, around 1.8 million homes were destroyed and over seven million people still need food and shelter. Untold damage has also been done to the country’s agricultural land and infrastructure. According to the UN more people have been affected than the world’s last three great disasters combined, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake and the 2010 Haiti earthquake." Gideon also produced a short film on the subject.


Foto8 Launch Party, The Legacy of Oil

To celebrate the new issue of 8 Magazine (which coincides with the magazine's 8th anniversary), Foto8 is throwing a launch party on Friday, November 12 at Host Gallery in London. Please RSVP to if you plan on attending.

If London isn't a possibility, definitely check out the new issue, which is dedicated entirely to the subject of oil. From the recent spill in the Gulf to the ongoing struggles in Nigeria and Venezuela, 8 Magazine showcases the work of numerous photographers who are committed to documenting the privilege and the poverty associated with oil. Included in the issue is an interview with Ed about his work in the Niger Delta. Go here for a sneak peek.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Amateur Photographer UK Interview

Ed was recently interviewed for an article in Amateur Photographer UK about Curse of the Black Gold. He speaks to how he got involved in the project and what it was like on the ground in the Niger Delta, specifically speaking to the issues presented to a photojournalist in a place where bribes are an everyday reality. There are also some great tidbits about Ed's choice of gear and his thoughts on the future of still photography.


Monday, October 18, 2010

New Niger Delta Interview & Story on VII The Magazine

If you have not seen VII The Magazine, the VII Photo Agency's online magazine, then please do so. It is less than one year old and we see it as an exciting and innovative approach to visual storytelling in the digital age. I have just published my first piece there, which is about my work and advocacy about the Niger Delta.